- August 6, 2018
- Christian Living

Podcasts are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for young adults to consume content. Everyone still enjoys listening to music, but podcasts offer another fine option during a commute or while washing the dishes. Just like books, movies, and TV shows, podcasts also speak to variety of topics and genres. No matter who you are or where your interests lie, there’s no doubt that you can find a podcast that fits you. This form of media may be more popular with young people but it really works for everyone. Though there are many of these programs to try, here are some of our favorite Christian podcasts for young adults.
That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs
“That Sounds Fun” is a program that is mostly comprised of longform interviews with today’s biggest names in Christian music and theology. From artists like Steven Curtis Chapman to speakers like Christine Cain, host Annie F. Downs talks to many of the leaders and creators who are making an impact in the culture. The average podcast is full of laughter and heartfelt moments as the guests share their heart for ministry and the ways in which God has impacted their lives. Recently the show has been brought into the Relevant family, which has a number of other podcasts as well.
The Boundless Show
“The Boundless Show” is produced by the folks at Focus on the Family and it truly is one of the best Christian podcasts for young adults. Host Lisa Anderson takes the listener through roundtable discussions, guest interviews, and questions that have been submitted online. The topics change from week to week, but the discussion is always framed by the viewpoint of young people (especially those who are single). Though the show can be fun, it’s not scared to tackle hard issues like mental health and learning how to share your faith.
Fun Therapy
We mentioned before that Relevant Magazine has a collection of podcasts that includes “That Sounds Fun.” Another great program for Christian young adults is “Fun Therapy,” hosted by Mike Foster. If you think the world is a tough place and you just need a half hour to relax and process your feelings, this might be the show for you. Foster’s program is a calming time of reflection where he will bring in guests to talk about the problems with which they are currently dealing. Another podcast from Relevant that we would recommend is completely different, but aptly named: “Relevant Is Doing a Sports Podcast.”
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
While some podcasts are quite serious, just as many love to kick back, laugh, and enjoy a conversation. “The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey” is a show dedicated to the latter. Each episode the host invites in one or more women to discuss their experiences and what they love. Ivey is the author of the popular book, “If You Only Knew.” Those who have read that book know just how much she values honesty and letting down your hair. “The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey” is one of the best Christian podcasts for young adults who want to enjoy a little time of comfort and entertainment.
The Bible Binge - Christian Podcasts for Young Adults
There is no shortage of Christian podcasts for young adults that deal with the Bible. From collections of sermons from well-known pastors to leadership podcasts, there is so much Biblical wisdom out there. What about those of us who don’t appreciate a bone-dry examination of scripture and need a more culturally savvy, fun perspective? “The Bible Binge” is a short series of podcast episodes that covers some of the basic stories from the Bible and gives them a look through a contemporary lens. Be prepared for a fun discussion that holds no punches.
Catalyst Leadership Podcast
For those who don’t know, Catalyst is an organization that puts on leadership conferences each year in Atlanta and other cities around the country. While we certainly recommend you checking out these events, the Catalyst Leadership Podcast is an opportunity to learn more about the group and its talented speakers without buying a ticket. Each interview features famous writers and influential pastors who all have something to share from their own experiences. Jon Acuff, Emerson Eggerichs, and Levi Lusko are just some of the guests who have appeared in recent months.
Sports Spectrum
We know our list of Christian podcasts for young adults hasn’t had a lot to offer sports fans, but that changes here and now. “Sports Spectrum” is hosted by former ESPN producer Jason Romano. Each episode he brings in an athlete, commentator, or Christian thinker who can personally speak to the intersection of faith and sports. We’re talking professional ballplayers and famous ESPN personalities who want to discuss something more than the typical sports talking points. That’s pretty cool for any sports fan.
The Next Right Thing
Similar to “Fun Therapy,” this podcast is meant to engage with its audience and hopes to be an asset to the listener. Author Emily P. Freeman creates a short weekly podcast that is meant to cut through all of the noise in your weekly routine and help you focus on making healthy decisions. “The Next Right Thing” is a breath of fresh air that may help young adults weather the storm of student loan debt, moving to a new city, and/or beginning a career.
The Bible Project
Do you ever find yourself lost in the Bible and not in a good way? The Bible Project is a group of animators and other creative types who seek to make the message of God’s Word as clear and relatable as it possibly can be. On top of the helpful videos the studio has made, its creators, Tim Mackie and Jon Collins, host a weekly podcast that explores themes from the Bible and looks at its history. If you like the content here, you may also want to look for Mackie’s other podcast, “Exploring My Strange Bible.”
The Gospel Coalition Podcast
One of the most popular Christian websites for religious commentary is The Gospel Coalition. With a number of articles and columns about church planting, family life, and the Bible, it’s a great resource for believers. Now you can enjoy some of those same thoughtful voices as they talk about issues that are facing the modern church. Do you want to learn how to be more effective in ministry? Are you socially conscious enough to the needs of others? These are just some of the great ideas for young adults to explore.
Culture Matters - Christian Podcasts for Young Adults
The world around us is constantly changing, from what is available in entertainment to how we interact with the outside world. Some of the best Christian podcasts for young adults are those that help bridge the divide between the world and Christ. “Culture Matters” is a podcast from The Village Church that discusses where pop culture, politics, and faith issues collide. The show, hosted by Adam Griffin and Adam Hawkins, covers a variety of topics that are making an impact on Christian communities.
The Dave Ramsey Show
A show about finance may not sound like fun for young people, but we really think this is a vital issue for all adults. Between settling our student debts, buying a home, and a hundred other big decisions, we need to make sure we are on proper footing. Otherwise we might make a mistake that sets us back 5-10 years when it comes to retirement. Dave Ramsey has one of the best reputations in the finance world because his message is simple and doable. While every show may not perfectly relate with you, it’s always a smart conversation.
Christian podcast for young adults need to speak into the culture we are currently living in. Whether it’s through advice about how to be a Christian in the modern world or interviews with today’s thought leaders, these podcasts are some of the best when it comes to reaching millennials and Generation Z.
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