- April 3, 2018
- Christian Living

Easter is wonderful time for enjoying spring festivities with the people you love, but more importantly, it’s a time for many believers, both old and new, to refocus their lives on the cross of Jesus and what it means for them. As we return home from the engaging worship services held on Easter day, we should reflect on what we have seen and heard and also what we will do next. Instead of treating Easter day as any other holiday, what if we seriously considered the sacrifice and victory of Jesus and decided to make a change for the better because of it? Here are some of the next steps we believe you should take following Easter day.
Find a Consistent Rhythm
There is a sad pattern in American Christianity where some Christians only attend church around holidays like Christmas and Easter. Even if you attend church a little more often, you may not be as involved as you think you are. Try to develop a consistent pattern of going to church at least once a week. We realize this may be impossible for certain people suffering from medical conditions or some other restricting situation, but there are more than likely millions of able-bodied people out there who simply do not make church a priority. The New Testament considers the church a vital part of your Christian walk, so what’s our excuse for not being consistent? This isn’t the only area of your spiritual life that needs to be regularly maintained, either. Beyond going to worship as part of a collective body, you need to make sure that you are spending time alone with the Lord in prayer and scripture reading. That leads us to the next step to be taken after Easter day.
Go Deeper - Five Steps After Easter Day
Once you set your mind to consistently investing in your spiritual walk, you’ll have a hunger for deeper knowledge where the Lord is concerned. When you “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8), you will not be satisfied in keeping Him at a distance. The routine of church and quiet times is important, but it is only the beginning of your pursuit of God. One example of going deeper is to develop a plan for reading through the Bible in one year. Another choice you could make would be to memorize a verse or two every week. This process is about moving beyond a list of duties and toward a relationship with the Lord. To fully experience God is to enjoy His presence and pursue Him each day.
On top of going deeper with your Bible reading and prayer life, you may also want to consider investing in Christian media and entertainment. Music in general can be good for your brain, but different genres can also have different effects on your mood. Maybe instead of listening to your usual pop or rock music you can give a station like K-LOVE a try. If you’re more of a reader then you’ll be glad to know that there are an outrageous number of Christian books out there ranging from self-help to historical fiction that can meet your needs. Another aspect of media you may want to take advantage of is Christian film. While the genre has a history of being the butt of a few jokes, these movies have come a long way in the last decade. Start with some of the most popular Christian films and see if they inspire some discussion at your next family movie night. Entertainment may not be as vital to your spiritual walk as the Bible or going to church, but you should consider the choices you are making when it comes to this area.
Discover Your Spiritual Gift
Perhaps you came into Easter day already having those first two steps done. You are consistently attending church and reading your Bible, you may even be meeting in an accountability or discipleship group. But have you ever looked to see what your spiritual gifts are? These tests come in a few different formats, but the point is to discover the unique way(s) in which God has created you for service. There are times in your life when you are presented with a ministry opportunity that forces you to step outside of your comfort zone, but you can also find places to serve that line up perfectly in sync with the skills God has given you. These gifts fall in line with those outlined by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12. If you’ve never taken such a test, check out this printable test from Lifeway. While we shouldn’t let these tests limit how we do ministry, they can be invaluable for a person who is looking to understand how God may want to use them in the church or other areas of life.
Use Your Skills Out in the Community
If you are deepening your faith and you understand what your skills are, then it’s time for you to go out and do something with all of that knowledge. The Christian walk is one that is external as well as internal. Working through your own issues and strengthening your faith are commendable, but that’s not the end of your journey. When we look at Jesus’ disciples and the members of the early church, we see individuals who want to immediately go out and spread the news concerning Christ. The idea of serving within the church or sharing the gospel with a neighbor may sound terrifying, but it’s all a part of the Christian walk. A church full of servants can accomplish so much more than one that is littered with people who only want to gorge on Biblical teaching. Don’t be afraid to act. No matter what kind of community you live in, there is a spiritual need with which you can help.
Invest in the Spiritual Walk of Others
Some of the most popular forms of service can be work that is behind the scenes. For many of us, it’s much easier to work on a task where we don’t have to talk with people or know a whole lot about the Bible. These jobs are wonderful and it’s a blessing that people are willing to serve in this way, however, we should also hope to invest in the spiritual walk of others.
“What does that mean exactly?” There are a few different ways that you can invest, but most of them involve you opening yourself up to others or engaging in some sort of speaking role. For instance, you can serve as a chaplain for a local school team, teach a Bible study at church, or start a discipleship group with a few young people you know. Another option is to begin sharing the gospel with the people you come into contact with throughout the day. You might offer to pray for your waiter at dinner, invite your neighbor to church on Sunday, or a variety of other activities. You may be thinking that where you are on Easter day is miles away from being so bold to do these things, but the Holy Spirit will guide you as you step out in faith. That isn’t to say that you won’t experience setbacks or failures, but any process of growing deals with these same issues.
Easter day is one full of celebration, but it can also be a time for you to grow deeper with your faith and start thinking about ways in which you can help others. As we move beyond the family gatherings and church programs, let’s pursue a fuller relationship with Christ and what the outpouring of that love may look like.
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