Christian Marriage Books

Are you having communication issues in your house? Do you feel like you and your spouse never seem to be on the right page? If you’re looking for a way to smooth things out in your relationship, there are several Christian marriage books for you to try out. What you’ll most likely find when you begin your search, however, is the vast majority of these are written for engaged and newly married couples. What about Christian marriage books for more experienced couples? You know, the ones who have had children or survived a few job/location changes. There’s plenty of wisdom to be found in newer books written by young married couples, but you don’t have to resort to something written for couples who recently graduated from college. Here are some of our picks for Christian marriage books for experienced couples.

“The Love Dare” - Alex and Stephen Kendrick

People who saw “Fireproof” in 2008 will remember the book that brought together Kirk Cameron and Erin Bethea’s onscreen couple. The real book is similar to its fictional representation in that it’s a 40-day journey encouraging couples to love one another. If you are someone who has lost the romance in your relationship or feel that your goals stand completely at odds with your spouse’s, “The Love Dare” is a book that can remind both of you why you care for each other. As you work your way through the pages, you may discover the same important lessons learned by five million previous readers.

“Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away” - Gary Chapman

A theme you’ll find with most of the Christian marriage books for experienced couples is regaining intimacy, forgiving mistakes, and dealing with loss. “Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away” addresses all of these issues experienced by older married couples and more. No matter what is going on in your home or whose fault it is, author Gary Chapman has a few words of advice on the subject. Chapman has of course written several bestselling books on relationships, most notably “The 5 Love Languages.” A third recommendation for the acclaimed author would be “One More Try.” Any of these popular books can be a worthwhile read for you and your spouse.

“Sacred Marriage” - Gary Thomas

Another respected Christian writer on marriage is Gary Thomas, who is arguably best known for his “Sacred” books. For singles, there is “The Sacred Search” and parents can check out “Sacred Parenting.” Our selection for this list is “Sacred Marriage,” where Thomas outlines how the purpose of marriage is not the pursuit of happiness but holiness. While we often associate our marriages with feeling whole and happy, our feelings are far from the guiding principle. A more recent entry from Thomas is “Cherish,” in which the author shares with readers how they can love and respect their spouses better.

“Kingdom Marriage” - Tony Evans - Christian Marriage Books

Like Thomas’ “Sacred” series, author and pastor Tony Evans has taken an important theme and applied it to people in all forms of relationships. The “Kingdom” series address men, women, church members, parents, and singles. The running theme in these books is that all Christians are called to consider the kingdom of God in everything they do, plan for, or set as goals. How do your actions today, and in your relationships, resonate with your pursuit of the kingdom of God? In “Kingdom Marriage,” Evans invites married couples to work together toward building up families and communities and making the mission of God their #1 priority.

“What Did You Expect?” - Paul David Tripp

As a single person, you are inundated with an array of surface-level descriptions of what marriage is. We often think about the happily ever after of fairy tales and romantic comedies, but these cultural tales don’t share the difficulties, both great and small, that pop up in matrimony. If your marriage experience has left your preconceived notions shattered, then you may want to pick up “What Did You Expect?” by Paul David Tripp. You’ll learn how to build a solid base so that when the tough times come, you and your spouse will be better prepared.

“The DNA of Relationships” - Dr. Gary Smalley

While “The DNA of Relationships” is one of the best Christian marriage books out there, that’s not the sole purpose in Dr. Gary Smalley’s work. The book outlines the different ways in which we relate with others, God, and ourselves. These relationships are unique in the challenges they present and solutions they require. Once we understand the basics, or DNA, of each relationship, we will be better equipped to deal with the problems that arise. Another good read from Dr. Gary Smalley is “Love is a Decision.” This book reminds us that romantic love doesn’t happen by accident. We have to work to build intimacy and a lasting marriage.

“Love & Respect” - Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Another doctor with plenty to say in his Christian marriage books is Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Like Smalley, his work often revolves around matrimony and communication. “Love & Respect” addresses what Eggerichs believes to be the two most important elements in a marriage: giving a man respect as he gives his wife unconditional love. With these two desires met, each party is on firmer ground when temptations or trials present themselves. For similar advice on communication, look for “Cracking the Communication Code.”

“You and Me Forever” - Francis Chan and Lisa Chan

We’ve seen that most Christian marriage books are a response to feeling inadequate or facing great adversity. What if you simply want to learn more about what the Bible has to say regarding marriage? “You and Me Forever” is a great book for both new and more experienced couples who are curious about the eternal implications of marriage. Francis Chan, along with his wife Lisa, bring a refreshing viewpoint to marriage that will alter your outlook on the human experience.

These Christian marriage books will help you and your spouse learn to communicate, worship, and tend to each other’s needs. While these books may not be able to fix every issue, they are a great first step toward reconciliation or growing more intimate with one another. At the K-LOVE Fan Awards, we love to see families bond through the power of Christian music about as much as we love celebrating the Christian entertainment making an impact in the world today. We bring together the biggest names and their biggest fans for an event unlike any other. Find out how you can be part of it all by clicking on the link below.

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