- November 20, 2018
- Books

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, now is the time of year to remember the things for which we are grateful. Having a spirit of contentment and gratitude is a powerful tool to wield because it can affect every aspect of our lives and remind us of God’s sovereignty. Unfortunately, we are often too easily drawn to envy or dissatisfaction with our lives. On top of reading the Bible, there are a number of Christian books on gratitude and thankfulness we can explore to better understand what it means to appreciate all that we do have. Here are some of our recommendations for Christian books on gratitude and thankfulness.
Choosing Gratitude - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Like love or any discipline, gratitude is not something that happens by accident. You have to make a series of choices to develop it as a habit. In “Choosing Gratitude,” author Nancy Leigh DeMoss walks readers through the benefits of living a humble lifestyle and, perhaps most importantly, the step you can take to continually be thankful for every gift God has given you.
One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp
Speaking of gifts, this new classic from Ann Voskamp has much to say when it comes to being grateful for what we have. “One Thousand Gifts” has already sold over one million copies, touching lives all around the country and spreading the message of gratitude. Instead of looking at all of things you don’t have or focusing on the long, tough days you experience, remember all of the good things you have been blessed with and search for the silver lining in your darker days.
Growing in Gratitude - Mary K. Mohler
We think most people would say that they are thankful to some extent, but what are the chances we are at our full potential for gratitude? “Growing in Gratitude” teaches readers to identify the trigger points for what may be holding them back from a life of thankfulness and walks through scripture to glean the importance of gratitude. This is one of the best Christian books on gratitude and thankfulness for homemakers and wives of those in ministry, as this is the main demographic Mohler has spoken to in her professional life.
Lessons From a Hospital Bed - John Piper
Have you ever been lying sick in bed thinking “When I get out of here, I’m going to appreciate everything so much more!” It’s usually when we lose the ability to do something that we most wish to take part in it. In the short book “Lessons From a Hospital Bed,” nationally renowned pastor John Piper teaches from his own experience with sickness on ways we can be grateful and make the most of the situation in which God has placed us.
Lord, I Just Want to Be Happy - Leslie Vernick
We have found there is a correlation between those who are grateful and those who are happy. Author Leslie Vernick wants Christians to understand what it means to be happy. Among the attributes she associates with happiness is the ability to be thankful for what you have. We can’t always think of happiness in terms of what we have or how often things go our way, but rather we must think of happiness and thankfulness as a perspective we keep throughout the day.
Defiant Joy - Stasi Eldredge - Christian Books on Gratitude and Thankfulness
Thankfulness is not something that comes easy in a world where we feel constant pain and see chaos on the news around the clock. How can we be happy or feel grateful when the world seems to be falling apart. In “Defiant Joy,” Stasi Eldredge shares her personal journey of pain and uncertainty and guides readers on a path of healing.
The Envy of Eve - Melissa B. Kruger
Christian books on gratitude and thankfulness examine the different hindrances to being grateful we encounter in life. One of the biggest enemies to joy and being thankful is envy. How can we be happy with what we have been given if we are constantly comparing ourselves to the successes of others? It’s never the problems of others that we envy, but only the good things. Only be defeating envy can we be truly grateful for anything.
Chasing Contentment - Erik Raymond
The world around us may feel dangerous and scary but that’s not the only worry that comes our current generation. With so many amazing things right at our fingertips, the truth is that people today are arguably more unhappy than ever before. How can this possibly be? Erik Raymond gets to the root of what makes us unhappy and how we can learn to be content in the digital age in “Chasing Contentment.”
Why Her? - Nicki Koziars - Christian Books on Gratitude and Thankfulness
As much as we hate to admit it, there will always be that one person in our lives who seemingly experiences so much success that it drives us crazy. “Really?! THAT guy got the promotion?!” Men and women both have their own ways of measuring up to the people they see at church, in the office, or on TV. “Why Her?” is a book attempting to shake us free from the comparisons which leave us feeling shame and doubt. Finding satisfaction in our own lives is a better way to live than constantly glancing over the fence to see how green the grass is on the other side.
Nothing to Prove - Jennie Allen
When we overly rely on ourselves to get things done, life can be a real drag. Working around the clock like our lives depend on it, it’s hard to be grateful for the little you have on the table. “Nothing to Prove” is a reminder of just that. Your worth isn’t tied to what’s in your closet or what you drive to work each day. We can rest easy knowing there is a God who loves us for who we are. Don’t let busyness and overworking get in between you and a more content life.
Present Over Perfect - Shauna Niequist
Shauna Niequist has sold over half a million copies of “Present Over Perfect,” a book that celebrates the ordinary life. If you’re anywhere near a perfectionist, so many everyday tasks can be completely draining as life rarely works out just how we planned. The book encourages readers to accept their messy lives and be content with the life they’ve been given. This is by no means a call to laziness, but a journey toward being grateful for the little things and enjoying who God has made us to be.
These Christian books on gratitude and thankfulness just might give you the kickstart you need this holiday season. Stop comparing yourself to high school classmates, neighbors, and family members and learn to love the life God has given you. There’s nothing wrong with working to improve a few things here and there, but you should remember that your worth is not tied to what’s in your garage or where you vacation. Your identity is in Christ.
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